Knee Xpert | Best Knee Pain Treatment without Surgery in India
Pain-free Knees For Life
Knee Xpert is a Holistic Programme
  • for resolving knee pain with
    need-specific, evidence-based
    Knee Treatment Plans to preserve
    knee health and prolong mobility.

'Regenerate', Not Replace.

Patented Technology


- Autologous SVF (Cellular Fraction)

Cutting-edge SVF technology
for treating Joint Pain

A single-window solution for treating joint pain and uses evidence-based
autologous grafting in same surgical sitting by an orthopedic surgeon.
It provides biological solution for biological problem.
This is why SVF an
Ideal Choice:
  • Use of only natural regenerative cells
  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Performed under local Anesthesia
  • No use of enzymes, chemicals or animal products
  • Only single sitting required
  • No bone loss
  • No risk of infection
  • No need for dramatic lifestyle changes
SVF is
suitable for:
  • For all those who have joint pain.
  • In the case of grades 1, 2, 3 of Osteoarthritis where the joint is stable and the deformity is less than 10°.
  • Suitable for all body weights and age groups above 21 years.
SVF is not
suitable for:
  • Patients having active or latent infection
  • Patients with Gout or Pseudogout
  • HIV patients
  • Patients having active cancer from past 3 years
  • Pregnant and lactating women